I’m a little peeved…

People who knit and crochet are lucky.  Wherever they go (except maybe a pool, although I’m pretty sure it can and has been done) they can take their art form/hobby/passion with them.  I didn’t take to knitting or crochet… I have a heck of a time following patterns, and I definitely don’t have the patience to finish anything.  My peevishness stems from the fact that none of the crafts/art forms I do are easily transportable.  While I have no problems needle felting in public, there are so many supplies to bring – especially if you’re someone who has a hard time focussing on one project at a time.  I have done some beading in a pub, but snipping wire during a poetry reading and trying not to drop beads just didn’t go well.  The propane torch probably wouldn’t be an option at the pub either… go figure…

I wish I sketched, but I can’t draw… even my doodles are more like scribbles than anything else.  My dear sister showed me a few Zentangle patterns, which have made my doodles a little more interesting (sometimes), but for the most part there are scrawled flowers, crowns and scribbles over every scrap of paper on my desk at work.

Zentangle inspired doodle

Zentangle inspired doodle

I won a trip through the Canadian Garden Council and Via Rail – Canada’s Garden Route – yay!  It’s a truly fabulous round trip to Halifax via train.  I can’t wait!  But what to bring?  I know I’ll be looking out the window a lot, reading a lot, dreaming a lot, but creatively I don’t know what to do.  It’s a little frustrating!  I will be writing about the journey, and definitely photographing everything I can, so perhaps those will help to fill my spare time.

Anyone have any thoughts on something portable I can take?

It's really going to happen... Tickets have arrived!

It’s really going to happen… Tickets have arrived!


Filed under Artsy-Craftsy, Fibre Arts, Jewellery, Random

7 Responses to I’m a little peeved…

  1. Dee

    So excited for your trip!!!!!! I know you two will have a fabulous time. So happy for you to win that! Why not try needlepoint? The pattern is colour coded on the mat and you have the wizard with you.

    I want to know about zentangles,Valery has a book. It looks fun.

    • dee dee

      I’ve tried that when I was younger… Alas, I had the same pattern-following issues that seem to plague me a lot… Also tried needlepoint, and as a family we did basket weaving and rug-hooking… not that those are particularly transportable… heehee!

      If you want to see some examples of her work, her website is http://www.alphabetsalad.com and she does Tangled Tuesday every week, showing her new stuff. I think Valery might like it. Although I wasn’t very precise, I had a lot of fun playing around with it.

  2. What about art journaling? I imagine you could put together a decent kit of basic supplies that wouldn’t take up too much space, and it would do double duty in that you could capture the details and feelings of your trip. Just a thought!

    • dee dee

      I will look into that… It definitely intimidates me because of my whole fear of not being able to draw thing, but it would probably be a good idea to stretch myself a little and try something new…

      • I haven’t done much of it myself, but from what I’ve seen, art journaling is a lot of collaging, collecting of ephemera, painting (or using paint pens), and so on – not necessarily a lot of drawing. It might work well!

  3. Pingback: Artsy travel thoughts… | The Twisty Tree

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