Tag Archives: Needle felting

2024 Holiday Market

It’s been so long since I last posted, that I wasn’t sure that I’d remember how!

I will be participating in a small market on December 7 at One Yoga Victoria – click the link or see the information below:


One Yoga Victoria – 239 Menzies Street, Victoria, BC

If you’ll be in Victoria I’d love to see you!  It sounds like there will be an interesting variety of vendors.  My table will be filled (hopefully!) with needle felted ornaments, some 3D felted creations, and jewellery – sterling silver, brass and copper with some semi-precious stones.

On a different note, the Beehive Woolshop will be posting their winter class schedule in a few weeks. I’ll be teaching a fairy house, a cactus and a sleeping fox. If you’ve been wanting to learn to needle felt, keep an eye on the Beehive website or contact me directly.

Take care!

Fairy House (photo by Beehive staff)

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Filed under Artsy-Craftsy, Classes, Fibre Arts, Jewellery, Markets

Pop-up Art Show 2022

Can you believe it is already July?!  I certainly can’t. 

I’m happy to announce that there will be another pop-up art show happening this year. Five of the artists are the same as last year, and we have one new artist, Lori Hargreaves (a quilter) joining us. The other artists are Jean Topham (ink paintings), Lisa Gould (printmaker), Kathy Buettner and Wendy Merk (painters). 

The details for the show are:

Dates – August 6-7, 2022 
Time – 1:00pm – 4:00pm (both days)
Location – 164 Cambridge Street (Fairfield) 

I will have both felted work (flat and some 3D) and jewellery – mainly sterling silver, but the odds are good that some copper and brass will show up, as well as semi-precious stones. 

Please feel free to share this page with people who might be interested. Let me know if you have any questions.

I will be posting some dates for upcoming classes for 3D needle felting at the Beehive Wool Shop soon – first I need to make some samples. Watch this space for updates!

Hope to see you at the show!

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Filed under Artsy-Craftsy, Fibre Arts, Jewellery

Pop up Art Show

How negligent I’ve been… I completely forgot to post about the pop up art show that I’m participating in this weekend. If you’re in town, I’d love to see you there. Please see the details in the flyer below.

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Fall Workshops

It has been a very long time since my last post – whoops! But I’m happy to let you know that there are two autumn needle felting workshops scheduled at the Beehive Wool Shop, located at 1700 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC. These workshops are for beginners – no experience required. All supplies will be provided.

The first will be on Sunday, October 20, from 10:30am – 12:30pm, and we will be making a needle felted pumpkin.

The second workshop will be on Sunday, November 17, from 10:30am – 12:30pm, and we will be making a fox.

You can sign up for the classes via the Beehive website. Hope to see you there!



Filed under Classes, Fibre Arts

I’m pickin’ up good Fibrations

You’re probably thinking “boy is she bad at spelling – she’s made a spelling error in the title.”  Nope – it’s correct.  Have you heard of Fibrations?  It’s a yearly community-based celebration of fibre, and this year I’m going to be part of the market – yikes!  It’s a bit terrifying as it is a larger market than any I’ve done before, and I have will have much more space than my usual 3×6 table.  I’ve vowed to myself that I’m not going to leave everything until the last minute (like I usually do), and I’ve already started working on some jewellery and wet felting.  Fingers crossed I can keep it up or I will be one stressed Dee in August!

Here are the details:

Fibrations 2018

When: Sunday, August 19, 2018, from 10-4

Where: The Fairfield Gonzales Community Place, 1330 Fairfield Road, Victoria, BC

Ryan and Stephanie, owners of Knotty By Nature, are the organizers of the event.  To help keep costs low for the artists/vendors, they organize a fundraising raffle – the vendors all contribute handmade items, fibre, yarns or tools to be raffled.

On the day of the event you can buy your raffle tickets at the raffle table for $2 each.  With your ticket(s) you get to choose which prize(s) you might win.  There is a strong fibre arts community in Victoria, and it definitely shows in the potential prizes.

You can find the Fibrations website here, and I’m quite sure you’ll be hearing a lot more about this market from me.

Here’s a picture of me and the neighbour cat – he visited while I was wet felting – we had quite the conversation!

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Filed under Artsy-Craftsy, Fibre Arts, Jewellery, Markets