Tag Archives: Smudge

Roving, roving, everywhere roving…

Today was the first of two Christmas ornament workshops (still room in the second workshop on December 13th – see the Classes page for more details) – it was a lot of fun… a great bunch of students making some pretty fabulous ornaments!

Table decor

Table decor

The snowman likes chocolate...

The snowman likes chocolate…

Last night, after I had put together all the material for the class, I decided to make one last ornament.  Smudge decided she had been ignored and shooed away quite enough, so she decided to “help”.  Sigh…

Smudge "helping"

Smudge “helping”


Filed under Artsy-Craftsy, Classes, Fibre Arts

It’s Alive!

It’s taken many years, but I have finally created a blog/website… Woohoo!  For ages people have been asking if I had one and suggesting (strongly) that it would be a good idea.  It took me a while to come around, but here I am.  Hello there!

To find out all about me and what I do, please go to my “About” page… You may want to have a bit of time on your hands… I was wordy.

When I first began thinking about starting this blog, I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out the purpose of it.  The reasons I came up with were guilt and shame.  Stay with me – I’m using guilt and shame in a positive way… I think it’s possible!

I am not always the most motivated of people.  While at work, my mind races with thoughts of projects that I’ll start that evening.  When I get home from work, I’m no longer excited to start working on anything except how cozy I can get on my recliner with a warm blanket and my lovely (albeit occasionally terrifying) cat on my lap (her name is Smudge, Princess of Darkness – I’m sure you’ll hear more about her in future posts).

To my way of thinking, to keep this blog interesting and relevant, I need to have new ideas and projects to discuss, and then I need to be able to show off completed work… If I don’t, ahhhh, the guilt and the shame.  See… It all makes sense now!

Do other artists and crafters have this problem or are you all motivated all the time?


Filed under Random