Yay – fall has arrived (and not my usual kind of fall 😉). First off, the annual pumpkin needle felting workshop is happening on October 21st at the Beehive Wool Shop, from 10:30 – 12:30am. Call or drop by the Beehive to book a spot! This is one of my favourite workshops – pumpkins are fun.
Secondly, I’m taking part in a market on October 28th (poster below). It’s a fibre market arranged by Island Knits, and the list of sellers makes me keep repeating to myself “I’m there to sell, not to buy (much)”.

I’m madly felting away to produce stock, and have broken out “the good stuff” – hand-dyed fibres that I’ve been hoarding. I will also be making some copper and sterling silver fibre related jewellery (shawl pins and sticks, and possibly stitch markers).
I’m really excited about this – I haven’t participated in a market in years. I’ve been saying that I need to be two people – one to obsess over all of the organizational and table design details (I’m a great obsesser!), and the other to actually make stuff. My mind is whirling!
I hope to see you there! There’s always the opportunity for lots of yummy food at the Public Market too… choosing is the difficult part…