I love second-hand shopping… UsedVictoria.com is one of my favourite websites, and once again, it did not fail me.
Several of the jewellers/artisans that I admire use recycled sterling silver (or mixed metals) for their jewellery – old spoons, platters, etc. I decided to take a look on UsedVictoria.com to see if there was anything available at a reasonable price. Most of the items listed were collectibles, and they had VERY collectible prices. Tucked in amongst those was this dear salt and pepper set.
The set has very pleasing and intricate cut outs on top, and are dented enough that I don’t feel guilty chopping them up. I was concerned that they might not be sterling, but they were very inexpensive, so I thought I’d take a chance. The woman I purchased them from said that they were marked sterling, and sure enough, they are.
Now I will be going through my stone collection – I’m picturing a translucent stone, with the silver over the top of the stone, but we’ll see how it goes… plans have a habit of shifting as I work. 😀
Brilliant idea! Who would have thought?!